大まかなスピーチの流れは ;
1. GET ATTENTION 聴衆の注意を引き、スピーチ開始を準備します。
May I have your attention please?
Okay / Right Everybody / Shall we get started?
/ Shall we get going/ started?
/ Shall we make a start?
/ Are you ready to start now? etc.
2. GREETING 続いて挨拶をして、聴衆の関心を集中し、スピーチ開始です。
Good morning, /Good Afternoon, / Good Evening, everyone / everybody.
Thank you for coming here today. It's nice to see you all here today.
/ It's nice to be with you today.
/ It's pleasure to be here to speak to you today. etc.
3. SELF-INTRODUCTION (Speaker) 自己紹介
As I'm sure you know I am / my name is ____________________. etc.
4. INTRODUCTION (of Topics) スピーチの主題の紹介
Today, I'll be making a short speech about ________.
5. HOOK 聴衆の興味を引く為の問いかけ、聞くことでどんなメリットがあるか等。
Do you know _______?
If you listen to my speech, you will know / learn ______.
6. MENU / PREVIEW 3つのポイント/視点を提示
Today, I'll be speaking about three things.
/ I've divided this speech into three parts.
First, I’ll speak about (Point A).
Next, I'll talk about (Point B).
Finally, / Then, I'll cover / I'll deal with / I'll explain about (Point C).
* 同じ言い方にならないようにします。
7. TIMING/QUESTION POLICY スピーチの所要時間と、いつ質問を受けるか?
① I plan to speak / I'll be speaking for about (例5minutes),
② and if you have any questions / if there are any questions,
③ I'll be happy to take (answer) them at the end of this speech.スピーチの後
OR Please feel free to ask me any time as I go along. スピーチの途中でも可
8. MAIN SPEACH CONTENT :6のメニューで提示した3つのポイントを詳述します。
(Ⅰ)Now, I'll begin by speaking about (Point A). Aについて詳述する。
That’s all I want to say about A.
(Ⅱ)Let’s move on to (Point B). Bについて詳述する。
I think that covers A and B.
(Ⅲ)But what about (Point C). So, now I'll explain about (Point C).
9. SUMMARY :6のメニュ―と同様に3つのポイントを繰り返します。
In summary, / To summarize,
don't forget that I said about Point A,
/ remember that I told about Point B,
/ I'd like to remind you that I explained about Point C.
10. CONCLUSION 簡潔に3つのポイントを通じて言いたかった事を結論として説明。
In conclusion, / To conclude, ...............
I had a fab time.
11. Q+A (Question and Answer)
Now I'll be happy to take (answer) your questions.
Do you want to know that ............?
You asked me that .........., don’t you?
Did you ask that.............?
Are you asking that ········?
Is your question that.........?
Did I answer your question?
Does that answer your question?
Have I answered your question?
Is that what you want/wanted to know?
12. CLOSE 締めの挨拶
Thank you for your kind attention. I hope you enjoyed my speech.
Gavel (小槌)
* Coming up first lot number (ex.One), (ex. a famous oil painting.)
* Coming up now lot number (ex.One), (ex. a famous oil painting.)
Coming up next lot number ...................................................
* I'll open the bidding on lot number (ex. One) at $(ex.100).
* Who will give me $(100)?
* Do I hear $(100)?
(A) 一人のBidder入札者が$100で応札しました。
* I have $100 at the back (/ on the left / on the right).
* Is there any advance on $100?
* Who will give me $(200)?
* Do I hear $(200)?
* ($200の応札者に対して)It is with you now at $200.
* (先の$100の応札者に対しては)It is against you now at $200.
* I'll close the bidding now at $200, if there are no more bids.
(if you have no more bids.)
Closing now at $200.
Going once at $200.
Going twice at $200.
Going three times at $200.
* Sold to ( ex. the beautiful lady at the back) at $200.
でも、折角のオークションに入札者が無かったら? その場合は、
(B) Is there any interest in lot number (ex. One)?
* Who will give me $(100)?
* Do I hear $(100)?
* I'll withdraw lot number (ex.One), if there is no interest.
* Lot number (ex.One) is withdrawn.
GRAMMAR AUCTION --- THE SEQUEL! では正しい文章と間違った文章(文法)を見分けて、正しいと思う文章にBidします。各人の持ち金はESS$2,000です。間違えれば、掛け金没収。Bidで正しい文章を落札すると、持ち金が増えるシステムです。
6/21~7/12 我儘なアナベルとプールアテンダントの会話です。
Hellow, good afternoon Madam, do you mind if I speak with you for a moment?
発音は (Ju main)の感じで (toよりもwith を推奨)
Sure, not at all. What about?
Well, my name is (Trump), and I'm an attendant her at this pool.....
That's nice.
I'd like to ask if you have seen the notice over there on the wall?
What notice?
That big notice just over there.
Nope. I didn't seen it at all.
Well, we have some simple, basic rules here at the pool for the comfort and convenience of swimmers.
One of the rules requires swimmers to wear a cap in the pool.
That's interesting.
(語調で反対の意味に、=not interesting, do not careなどの意味になります。)
So, may I ask you to put on a cap?
I don't have a cap.
(I haven't got a cap.はnatural表現です。I haven't a cap.は )
You can buy or rent a cap over there at the poolside shop.
I don't want a cap.
Look at all the other people they all have caps. Why don't you wear a cap, too?
I have just been to the big hair salon, and I've just paid a loto of dough for this fancy hairstyle.....
Yes, it's very nice indeed.
So, I don't want to spoil it by putting on a cap.
But, if any of your hair falls into the water, it could damage the water filtering equipment.
I just told you this hair-do cost me an arm and leg. I'm not going to let it touch the water.
You can't be sure about that, and imagine how other swimmers would feel if they see your hair in the water.
I'd like to point out to you that I am a customer. I paid my money and I just want to swim in peace.
You can swim in peace if you have a cap.
Look, I bought a ticket. I don't want to be disturbed by you.
Well, if you paid to come in, you can have a refund if you step out of the pool. We can go to the office to do that.
I don't want to step out of the pool and I don't want a refund. I just want to swim and I don't want to push off.
Alright madam, that's enough if you refuse to wear a cap, I must ask you to leave the pool.
No way. Why are you still here? I don't want to speak to you any more. Beat it!
No madam, you're the one who has to beat it. Please step out of the pool.
I said I don't want to speak to you. In fact, I want to speak to the manager.
Of course, madam. Just step out of the pool and I'll take you to his office.
No, no, no. I'm not going to the manager's office. You should go and get him and bring him here to me.
As you wish madam, I'll go and get him and I'll be back soon with the manager and the security guard to eject you from the pool.
2017年6月6日 会話文例 (空港などの入国審査での係官と旅行者の会話)
Hellow, may I see your passport, please.
Here you are.
Where have you come from today?
I've come from Japan.
I see. Is that your luggage?
Yes, it is.
Did you pack it (by) yourself?
Yes, I did.
Did nobody help you to pack it?
Did anybody give you anything to carry in your luggage?
No, nothing.
Fine. Could you tell me what is in your luggage?
Some clothes, some toiletries, a pair of shoes, a phone charger.
Do you have any alchohol, tobaco,hazardous items, high value item, industrial samples or counterfeit goods?
Not at all.
Do you have anything to declare?
Right. Here's your passport back, thank you.
討論例 6月 TIPPING IS A GOOD SYSTEM 討論手順は5月分を参照ください。
This allows customers to show direct This reinforces the master-servant class
appreciation, doesn't it? system doesn't it?
This simply builds a friendly relation- This gouges customers, doesn't it?
ship between people, doesn't it?
This encourages better service, doesn't Worker reward is management respon-
it? sibility, isn't it? Not customers, is it?
This helps poorly-paid people to get Many nations have no tipping, do they?
enough dough, dosen't it? This shows nobody needs a tipping,
doesn't it?
2017年5月 英語での討論
1.A が自説を述べて、それに対してBが反論します。この時、
① Aの説のReviewをします。この時に使用する言い回しは、以下のようなものです。
a. You are saying _________________.
What you are saying is _______________.
② 次に再度、Aが使ったのと99%違う言い回し、用語を使用してAの説をreviewします。
b. You mean ______________.
What you mean is _______________.
* That's not the point.
* That's not important.
* You are missing the point.
* You are wrong.
* That's wrong.
③ 次にAが見逃している、あるいは隠している不都合な点を見つけられれば、これを指摘し自説を述べます。この時に使う言い回しは以下です。
c. Ah, but what you are not saying is _自説_________________.
1. 自説を述べた最後にTAG QUESTION を必ずつけてください。
I think __________. あるいは I believe ___________. といった言い回しは使わないようにしましょう。
以上は討論の流れですが、REVIEW が難しい場合は、この手順を省いて反論フレーズから入るなり、臨機応変で良い、との事です。
討論例 The subway should run 24hours
Yup (A) Nope (B)
* This would provide more jobs for * Subway staff might have to work too-
subway staff, wouldn't it? long hours, mightn't they?
* Entertainments could run later * We should not encourage night life,
because customers would come later、 should we?
couldn't they?(wouldn't they?) People should go home to their families,
shouldn't they?
* People do not want to run for the * The subway needs to close for mainte-
last tran, do they? nance, doesn't it?
* The economy would get a boost * The subway must close to help taxi
from extra, later, activity, wouldn't it? drivers to make some money, mustn't it?
* This system works in New York, * This would not be profitable, would it?
doesn't it? There are not enough potential customers,
It would work here, wouldn't it? are there?
カフェでの会話 (カフェの店員Aと客Bの会話です。)
A: Hello, good afternoon!
How many people are there in your party?
B: Hello, just the two of us.
A: Please come this way, I'll show you to a table.
B: May we have a table by the window please.
A: Off course. Here you are.
B: thanks. This is fine.
A: Here is a menue. I'll be back in a moment to take your order.
B: Thank you. Actually I'd like to talk about the munue a little bit if possible.
A: Certainly, what would you like to talk about?
B: Frankly, I just don't know what I want to order. What type of tea do you serve?
A: We have some wonderful teas available. We have Cylon, Darjeeling, Assam, Earl
Grey, Chai, Green tea, Woolong-cha,......
B: Ooooo, too many, I can't decide.
What types of coffee do you have?
A: We have Kilimanjaro, Brazil, Guatemala, Mocca, Blue-mountain types, and we can offer you espress, cappuchino and French press styles.
(french press 画像は下部にあります。)
B: Umm........
A: Oh,and iced coffee too of course.
B: Of course.
A: Would you like to order now?
B: Do you have any scones?
A: What?
B: Scones. Do you have any scones?
A: Yes we have lots of scones and cakes and sandwiches too in fact.
B: Sounds great, tell me all about them.
A: Well, we have some lovely cakes today. We have chocolate coffee, strawberry, lemon, fruit, and cheese cakes.
B: Any Christmas cake?
A: You'll have to come back later in the year for that.
B: Alright, that's fair enough I suppose. How about the sandwiches then?
A: We have some wonderful sandwiches including mixed, ham, roast beef, salmon, tuna, egg, and avocado.
B: Really?
A: Oh yes, and you can order lettuce, onions, olives, chopped pepper and other extras added to any of those.
B: Impressed.
A: So would you ike to oder then?
B: Well yes, actually I think I'll just order your set afternoon tea(Drink, cake, sandwich), and that will be all.
A: Fine, Please wait amount, I'll be back with that soon.
B: Well yes, I'd like Hot Assam tea.
A: Yes,
B: And I'd like a piece of chocolate cake too.
A: I see.
B: And can I have a ham sandwich with lettuce and olives please.
A: Right. That's hot Assam tea, chocolate cake, and a ham sandwich.
B: Correct.
3月27日 Annabel & Mary, the next day after the party
A: Annabel (She has a hangover.) 注1
B: Mary
A: Hello, Annabel here.
B:Hello, this is Mary, your next door neighbor. Thank you for inviting me to
yesterday's party.
A: Did you say "Mary"?
B: Yes, that's right.
A: Could you speak a bit quieter please. My ears are ringing and I have a
splitting headache. 注2
B: I'm sorry. Can I ask if you have any plans for today?
A: None at all. I don't feel like going anywhere. I'll probably just stay in bed all
B: Could I ask you to do me a favor? 注3
A: What would you like?
B: I have to go to work, but I can't get out of my drive because your car is
blocking the gate. Could you maybe move your car please.
A: Is it really so important? Can't it wait?
B: To be honest it can't wait, because I have to go to work and anyway I shouldn't have to wait. You should think more about your neighbor's feelings.
A: Look, I have a terrible headache, and my mouth feels like the bottom of a
parrot's cage. You should relax and not complain so much.
B: How would you like it if I left my car in front of your gate? You should be
more reasonable.
A: I am reasonable. I'm not breaking any laws you know.
B: I'm not so sure about that. Look, why don't you just pop over here quickly
注6 注7
and shift the car, it'll only take a minute.
A: I feel much too wobbly. Why don't you come over here and get my car
keys? You can borrow my car for today if you like.
B: Do you really mean it? It's such a flashy car! I'd be thrilled to bits if you'd
注10 注11
lend it to me - but I'm a bit worried aboug damaging it.
A: That's no big deal. It's fully insured.
B: Alright. I'll be over right away.
A: Good. See you soon then. All's well that ends well. 注13
A: Hello.
B: Hello. This is your next door neighbor Mary.
A: Sorry, I can't hear you. It's very noisy here. We're having a party.
B: I said, "This is Mary, your next door neighbor."
A: Mary? You'll have to speak up I'm afraid.
B: Yes, Mary. Did you say you're having a party?
A: That's right. It's a cherry blossom party. We're all having a great time.
B: I think so. I can hear that. What time do you plan to finish the party?
A: We have no fixed time. Maybe we'll go on until dawn.
B: I see. Could I ask you a favor?
A: What would you like?
B: The noise is a bit loud. Could you maybe turn it down a little?
A: I don't know about that. Everyone's having a great time you see.
B: But I can't sleep, and I have to get up for work tomorrow morning.
A: Have you tried ear-plugs?
B: I shouldn't have to do that. You should think more about your neighbor's
A: I don't have a party often. You should relax and not complain so much.
B: How would you like it if I made a lot of noise late at night? You should be
more reasonable.
A: I'm reasonable. I'm not breaking any laws, you know.
B: I'm not so sure about that. Why don't you take your party inside? It will
probably get cold soon anyway.
A: No, it won't. We are all happy here in the garden, thank you.
B: Would you come here to my house so that you can hear the noise for
A: No, I'm too busy looking after my guests. Why don't you come here and
join our party?
B: Do you really mean it. I haven't been to a party for ages. That would be
great - but I don't have anything to wear.
A: That's no big deal. Come as you are.
B: I'm wearing my pajamas.
A: Look out of the window. You'll see us in the garden next door. We're all
wearing pajamas - it's a pajama party!
B: All right. I'll be there right away.
A: See you soon. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
A: Sales Clerk(shop assistant) B: Customer
A: Good Afternoon, may I help you?
B: Yup, I'm looking for a new phone.
A: Well, you've come to the right place!
What sort of phone are you interested in?
B: Well, I already have an older type, so now I'm interested in getting a newer type.
A: Ja (Do you) have anything in particular in mind; Iphone, Galaxy, Blackberry, Windowsphone or whatever?
B: Dunno, Wotchagot? (What have you got?)
A: Well, I would actually recommend a Big Phone. It' the latest model, and it has many features.
B: Oh really? Like what?
A: Of course this phone can make and receive calls and texts, and do E-mail...
B: Yes...
A: It can do much more like voice recording...
B: You mean like a tape machine?
A: Yup, without a tape, and it can take photos and record video...
B: You mean like a camera?
A: That's right. It actually has a very good camera and GPS too!
B: What do you mean (by) G.P.S.?
A: It means Global Positioning System, which means that you can find out where you are anytime you want.
B: Do you mean like a kind of super map book?
A: Yup, that's right. There are also loads of apps for all sorts of things.
B: Like what?
A: You've got Instagram, Netfix, Hulu Plus, Flipboard, Evernote, Youtube, too many to mention!
B: Sounds like what I need. Where do I sign?
A: Our standard contract runs for two years and consts \6,000 a month.
注:per month, every month でも可。但し a monthが最も自然
B: What about the cost of the handset?
A: With a two year contract we throw it in basically for free.
B: Okay, that's fair enough. Let's do that then.
注:=I'm happy.
A: Right. Here's a contract, all the usual stuff. I think you'll find it all in order.
Please sign here.
B: Sure. I see, name, address, payment plan; can I use my "Big Card" fo that?
A: Of course, that'll do nicely.
B: Here you go then.
A: Thanks. Please wait a moment. I'll enter these details in our database and
I'll get you a phone.
B: Can I have it now?
A: Right away. I'll get it from the back room and activate it now for you.
注:= make a phone active
B: Splendid.
A: How about your vacation Joe, made any plans?
(abauch) (madeni)
B: I think I'll go to Las Vegas, to try my luck at the casinos.
(gota) (ta) (lukitha)
A: You'd better be careful, a friend of mine lost a lot of money there last year.
(fren da) (alata)
B: I'm sure you're right, but once you start losing, it's not as easy to stop as
(ya) (natas) (ta stopazu)
you'd think.